M.Sc. Marcel Tiepelt


Tiepelt, M.; Martin, C.; Maeurer, N.
Post-Quantum Ready Key Agreement for Aviation
2024. IACR Communications in Cryptology, 1 (1), 17. doi:10.62056/aebn2isfg
Tiepelt, M.; Eaton, E.; Stebila, D.
Making an Asymmetric PAKE Quantum-Annoying by Hiding Group Elements
2024. Computer Security – ESORICS 2023. Ed.: G. Tsudik. Pt. 1, 168–188, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-50594-2_9
Tiepelt, M.; Eaton, E.; Stebila, D.
Making an Asymmetric PAKE Quantum-Annoying by Hiding Group Elements
2023. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000164970
Boenisch, F.; Munz, R.; Tiepelt, M.; Hanisch, S.; Kuhn, C.; Francis, P.
Side-Channel Attacks on Query-Based Data Anonymization
2021. CCS ’21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, November 2021, 1254–1265, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3460120.3484751
Berger, R. M.; Tiepelt, M.
On Forging SPHINCS-Haraka Signatures on a Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computer
2021. Progress in Cryptology – LATINCRYPT 2021 – 7th International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America, Bogotá, Colombia, October 6–8, 2021, Proceedings. Ed.: P. Longa, 44–63, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-88238-9_3
Tiepelt, M.; D’Anvers, J.-P.
Exploiting Decryption Failures in Mersenne Number Cryptosystems
2020. 7th ACM Workshop on Asia Public-Key Cryptography, APKC 2020, held in conjunction with the 15th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security, ACM ASIACCS 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, 6 October 2020 (05.-09.2020). Ed.: K. Emura; N. Yanai, 45–54. doi:10.1145/3384940.3388957
D’Anvers, J.-P.; Tiepelt, M.; Vercauteren, F.; Verbauwhede, I.
Timing Attacks on Error Correcting Codes in Post-Quantum Schemes
2019. Proceedings of 3rd ACM Workshop on Theory of Implementation Security Workshop - TIS’19, 2–9, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3338467.3358948
Tiepelt, M.; Szepieniec, A.
Quantum LLL with an application to mersenne number cryptosystems
2019. Progress in Cryptology – LATINCRYPT 2019: 6th International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America, Santiago de Chile, Chile, October 2–4, 2019, Proceedings. Ed.: P. Schwabe, 3–23, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30530-7_1
Title Type Semester Lecturer
Seminar (S) WS 22/23
Seminar (S) SS 2022
Seminar (S) SS 2022
Proseminar (PS) SS 2022
Seminar (S) WS 21/22
seminar SS 2021
Seminar (S) SS 2021
Proseminar (PS) SS 2021
Seminar (S) WS 20/21
Seminar (S) SS 2020
Seminar (S) SS 2020
Seminar (S) WS 19/20