Seminar Post-Quantum Cryptography


List of preliminary topics



The goal of this seminar is that participating students understand the basics of certain relevant topics in post-quantum cryptography as well as certain cryptographic protocols relying to the standardization process of post-quantum cryptography ( The students will understand the protocols, the algorithms within the underlying conjectured-hard problems and the mathematical background of some structures, e.g. Lattices, Codes, Isogenies, ...

Another learning goal of this seminar is the research process in the field of cryptography including research of related work, preparation of an educational presentation, reviewing other scientific paper and finaly producing their own scientific paper.

The seminar will be held in English.


KW 45 - KW 49: Introduction + Lectures

KW 50 - KW 52: Preparation

KW 53 - KW 01: Christmas Break

KW 02 - KW 07: Presentations

KW 09: Deadline Review Version of Paper

KW 11: Review Deadline

KW 13: Paper Deadline


After the introductary class, the seminar includes four (mandatory) lectures/ exercises to introduce the basics of post-quantum cryptography.

To pass this module a talk about the assigned topic over 35 minutes is to be held. After the talk there will be questions and discussions for 10 minutes. All talks have to be held in English. Preparing a handout for your fellow students is optional.

You need to hand in a written report of about 10 - 12 pages. During a review process managed via EasyChair, you review the report of another student. Afterwards you include your feedback into your final version of your written report.

Along the whole process, every participating students will be in contact with one supervisor dedicated for the topic.


To participate register in the corresponding ILIAS-course. We can supervise up to 12 students. There will be a waiting list. Students can get a spot if there is a topic not chosen. The topics will be distributed during the first weeks.


The registration will be open by Monday, 5th October 2020 at 2 pm.