Proseminar Quantum Information Theory


Preliminary List of Topics

--> Big Blue Button Room For Lectures and Talks <--

The goal of this seminar is that students understand relevant topics in quantum information theory and learn about application and impact onto cryptography.
The seminar includes five introductionary lectures on basics, which cover a mathematical introduction, representation and evoluation of quantum states in a vector space, important principales and an intrpduction into the quantum circuit model.
The lectures aim to be interactive with discussions and exercises done by the students in small groups.

Each student is expected to give a 35-40 minutes talk and discussion on one of the topics above. Additionally, a seminar paper of about 10-12 pages will be due at the end of the semester. We will follow an exemplary review process managed via EasyChair, to review a paper of another student. Afterwards you include your feedback into your final version of your written report. Along the whole process, every participating students will be in contact with one supervisor dedicated for the topic.

The seminar and all talks will be held in English.

Every interested student is welcome to join the lectures or talks without actively participating in the seminar :)


Tuesdays, 14:00 - 15:30

  • 13.04. - 11.05. (KW 15 - 20): Introduction + Lectures
  • 18.05. (KW 21): Buffer
  • 01.06. - 13.07. (KW 22 - 27): Student Presentations
  • 20.07.: 1st Deadline Seminar Paper
  • 27.07.: Review Deadline
  • 03.08.: Final Deadline Seminar Paper


To participate register in the corresponding ILIAS-course. We can supervise up to 12 students. There will be a waiting list. Students can get a spot if there is a topic not chosen. The topics will be distributed during the first weeks.